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For general information on vectors, see Vector and Vectors and Matrices.

A Vector4 is a vector that contains 4 numbers.


Method Brief description
length Computes the length of the vector.
lengthSquared Computes the squared length of the vector.
dot Computes the dot product between vectors.
add in-place Adds vectors.
subtract in-place Subtracts vectors.
offset in-place Adds a number to each component of the vector.
multiply in-place Performs component multiplication.
transform in-place Transforms a vector with a matrix.
divide in-place Performs component division.
reduce in-place Runs the modulo operation on each component of the vector.
scale in-place Multiplies each component of the vector by a number.
normalize in-place Normalizes the vector, making its length 1.
clampLength in-place Applies bounds to the length of the vector, scaling as needed.
clamped Returns a new copy of this vector with clampLength applied.
normalized Returns a new, normalized copy of the vector.
toRad Returns a copy of this vector, converted to radians.
toDeg Returns a copy of this vector, converted to degrees.
floor in-place Floors the components of the vector.
ceil in-place Ceilings the components of the vector.
copy Returns a copy of this vector.
set in-place Assigns the values from another vector to this one.
reset in-place Sets the components of this vector to 0.
applyFunc in-place Apply a function to the components of this vector.


Field Brief description
_ Always 0.
x, r, [1] First component.
y, g, [2] Second component.
z, b, [3] Third component.
w, a, [4] Fourth component.


Operator Brief description
(vector + vector) Add two vectors.
(vector + number) comm. Add the number to each component of the vector.
(-vector) Negate the vector.
(vector - vector) Subtract two vectors.
(vector - number) Subtract the number from each component of the vector.
(number - vector) Negate the vector, then add the number to each component.
(vector * vector) Multiply (component-wise) two vectors.
(vector * number) comm. Scale the vector.
(vector * matrix) Transform the vector using the matrix.
(vector / vector) Divide (component-wise) two vectors.
(vector / number) Scale the vector by (1/number).
(#vector) Number of components in the vector.
(vector < vector) Component-wise less than.
(vector <= vector) Component-wise less than or equal.
tostring(vector) Result of tostring(vector).


Math operations

Mathematical operations that apply to all vectors, such as computing their length


Computes the length of a vector.

Arguments Return Type
length() number


Computes the length of a vector, squared. Due to the nature of the length calculation, this is a little bit faster than length.

Arguments Return Type
lengthSquared() number


Computes the dot product between two vectors. The argument must be the same type as the target vector.

Arguments Return Type
dot(Vector4 other) number


Adds the values from this vector and another vector of the same size, and writes them to this vector. To create a new instance from the sum, see + (operator).

Arguments Return Type
add(Vector4 other) self Vector4


Subtracts the passed vector of the same size from this vector, and writes the result to this vector. To create a new instance from the difference, see - (operator).

Arguments Return Type
subtract(Vector4 other) self Vector4


Adds factor to all components of this vector. To create a new instance from the result, see + (operator) or - (operator).

Arguments Return Type
offset(number factor) self Vector4


Multiplies vectors of the same size by multiplying their components. The result is written to this vector.

Arguments Return Type
multiply(Vector4 other) self Vector4


Applies a matrix transformation to this vector. Equivalent to multiplying the matrix by the vector. The matrix must be the same size as the vector{{#ifVector4|.|; the following are valid:}}

Arguments Return Type
transform(Matrix4 mat) self Vector4


Divides vectors of the same size by dividing their components. The result is written to this vector.

Arguments Return Type
divide(Vector4 other) self Vector4


For each component in this vector, perform the positive modulo operation on it and the equivalent component in the other vector.

Arguments Return Type
reduce(Vector4 other) self Vector4


Multiplies each component in this vector by factor.

Arguments Return Type
scale(number factor) self Vector4


Normalizes this vector in-place. After this operation, the length of the vector will be 1, unless the length is currently 0. If this vector's length is 0, then no normalization will occur.

Arguments Return Type
normalize() self Vector4


Scales this vector such that its length is within the bounds specified by minLength and maxLength. If this vector's length is 0, no scaling will be performed, even if minLength is greater than 0. If this vector's length is already within the specified bounds, no scaling will be performed.

Both minLength and maxLength can be omitted or set to nil, resulting in no lower or upper bound on the length of the vector.

Arguments Return Type
clampLength(number | nil minLength, number | nil maxLength) self Vector4


Copies this vector, then clamps its length. See clampLength for details.

Arguments Return Type
clamped(number | nil minLength, number | nil maxLength) new Vector4


Copies this vector, then normalizes it. See normalize for details.

Arguments Return Type
normalized() new Vector4


Returns a copy of this vector, scaled by a factor of (pi / 180). If this vector represents a rotation in degrees, the result will be a rotation in radians.

See also toDeg.

Arguments Return Type
toRad() new Vector4


Returns a copy of this vector, scaled by a factor of (180 / pi). If this vector represents a rotation in radians, the result will be a rotation in degrees.

See also toRad.

Arguments Return Type
toDeg() new Vector4


Returns a copy of this vector with every component floored.

Arguments Return Type
floor() new Vector4


Returns a copy of this vector with every component ceiling-ed.

Arguments Return Type
ceil() new Vector4

Utility methods


Creates a copy of this vector. Creating a copy will make a new Vector with the same size and values, but which is disconnected from the original. This means that methods like set or add which modify the vector they are called with will not modify copies.

Arguments Return Type
copy() new Vector4


Assigns the values from another vector of the same size to this vector in place. To create a new instance, see copy.

Arguments Return Type
set(Vector4 other) self Vector4


Sets all the components of this vector to 0.

Arguments Return Type
reset() self Vector4


Calls the provided function f on every component, and sets this vector's components to the return values of the function.

The function receives the following values as arguments: first, the value as a number, then the index (integer, 1 is x, 2 is y, etc.) The function is expected to return a number.

Arguments Return Type
applyFunc(function f) self Vector4
local A = vec(1, 2, 3)
-- cube the values
A:applyFunc(function(value, index) return value*value*value end)
print(A) -- {1, 8, 27}



Swizzling is available for all vector types. For details, see Swizzling.


Read-only number. Always 0. Attempting to write to this field will have no effect.

Vector4 fields

x, r, 1

Read/write number. The first component of the vector.

y, g, 2

Read/write number. The second component of the vector.

z, b, 3

Read/write number. The third component of the vector.

w, a, 4

Read/write number. The fourth component of the vector.


Lua operators, such as +, -, and *, apply to vectors and have different results.

+ (operator)

With two vectors

Adds the values from this vector and another vector of the same size. The result is a new vector of the same size which holds the sum.

Left Right Result
Vector4 Vector4 new Vector4
local a = vec(1, 2, 3)
local b = vec(4, 4, 6)
print(a + b, a, b) -- {5, 6, 9}  {1, 2, 3}  {4, 4, 6}
With a vector and number
Operator is commutative and has the same result regardless of order.

The result is a new vector of the same size which holds the result of adding the number to all components of this vector.

Left Right Result
Vector4 number new Vector4
number Vector4 new Vector4

- (operator)

As a unary operator

Returns a new vector of the same size, but all the components negated. Effectively the same as * -1.

Operand Result
Vector4 new Vector4
With two vectors

Subtracts the right vector from the left vector. The result is a new vector of the same size which holds the difference.

Left Right Result
Vector4 Vector4 new Vector4
local a = vec(1, 2, 3)
local b = vec(4, 4, 6)
print(b - a, a, b) -- {3, 2, 3}  {1, 2, 3}  {4, 4, 6}
With a vector and a number
Only applies when the number is on the right side of the operator.

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of subtracting the number from all components of the vector.

Left Right Result
Vector4 number new Vector4
With a number and a vector
Only applies when the number is on the left side of the operator.

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of negating all of the components of the vector, then adding the number. In effect, number - vector == (-vector) + number.

Left Right Result
number Vector4 new Vector4

* (operator)

With two vectors

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of multiplying the vectors together (component multiplication.)

Left Right Result
Vector4 Vector4 new Vector4
With a vector and a number
Operator is commutative and has the same result regardless of order.

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of scaling the vector by the number (scalar multiplication.)

Left Right Result
Vector4 number new Vector4
number Vector4 new Vector4
With a vector and a matrix
This definition only applies if the vector is on the left side. If the vector is on the right side, see the associated operator on the matrix.

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of transforming the vector with the matrix.

Left Right Result
Vector4 Matrix4 new Vector4

/ (operator)

With two vectors

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of dividing the left vector by the right vector (component division.)

Left Right Result
Vector4 Vector4 new Vector4
With a vector and a number
Only applies when the number is on the right side of the operator. There is no definition with the number on the left side of the operator.

Returns a new vector of the same size containing the result of scaling the vector by the reciprocal of the number.

Left Right Result
Vector4 number new Vector4

# (operator)

Returns the number of components in this vector(4)

Operand Result
Vector4 4

< (operator)

Returns true if all of the components of the left vector are strictly less than the corresponding components of the right vector.

Left Right Result
Vector4 Vector4 boolean
local A = vec(1, 2, 3)
local B = vec(4, 5, 6)
local C = vec(4, 1, 6)
print(A < B) -- true
print(B < C) -- false

<= (operator)

Returns true if all of the components of the left vector are strictly less than or equal to the corresponding components of the right vector.

Left Right Result
Vector4 Vector4 boolean
local A = vec(1, 2, 3)
local B = vec(4, 5, 6)
local C = vec(1, 2, 3)
print(A <= B) -- true
print(B <= C) -- true

tostring return value

Converts the vector to a string representing its components.

Operand Result
Vector4 string