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Show new changes starting from 11:14, 22 December 2024
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21 December 2024

N    06:32  Template:Main:Matrix/Methods diffhist +1,159 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (WIP) Tag: 2017 source edit
N    04:43  Module:MatrixFields‎‎ 6 changes history +2,250 [PenguinEncounter‎ (6×)]
04:43 (cur | prev) +52 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (oops that's incorrect too :sob:)
04:41 (cur | prev) +26 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (fix indexing)
04:41 (cur | prev) −128 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (fix nils)
04:40 (cur | prev) +759 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
02:31 (cur | prev) +52 PenguinEncounter talk contribs ('first')
02:30 (cur | prev) +1,489 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (it might work, maybe)
     02:32  User:PenguinEncounter/sandbox diffhist +37 PenguinEncounter talk contribs Tag: 2017 source edit
N    01:38  Matrix diffhist +343 PenguinEncounter talk contribs ([wip]) Tag: 2017 source edit
     01:13 Deletion log PenguinEncounter talk contribs deleted page Module:TypeButNathanWroteIt(abandoned)

20 December 2024

 m   21:56  Vector3 diffhist 0 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (that's a little incorrect) Tag: 2017 source edit
     15:45  Template:Main:Vector/Methods diffhist +18 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (→‎transform: adjust description for presence of T) Tag: 2017 source edit

18 December 2024

     01:29 Move log TheKillerBunny talk contribs moved page Blinking to Tutorial:Blinking
     01:28  Blinking‎‎ 2 changes history +1 [TheKillerBunny‎ (2×)]
01:28 (cur | prev) −999 TheKillerBunny talk contribs (nvm the completed code is too big)
01:28 (cur | prev) +1,000 TheKillerBunny talk contribs (Add completed code and fix spelling errors)

15 December 2024

N    00:40  Print diffhist +195 TheKillerBunny talk contribs (Created page with "Figura's print function is simlar to lua's print function, but has a couple extra features: * You can hover over a table to view it's children ** This includes userdata such as {{type|Vector3s}}")

14 December 2024

     21:25  (Upload log) [PenguinEncounter‎ (10×)]
21:25 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:FiguraJSON.png
21:16 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:FiguraJSON.png(why is there still a border around it)
21:07 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded File:FSFolderClosed.png(Author: Material Icons. Licensed [ Apache License 2.0].)
21:07 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:FSFolderOpen.png
21:06 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:FSFolderSpecial.png(Filled the space)
21:04 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:FiguraJSON.png
21:01 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded File:FSFolderOpen.png(Author: Material Icons. Licensed [ Apache License 2.0].)
21:01 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded File:FSFolderSpecial.png(Author: Material Icons. Licensed [ Apache License 2.0].)
20:59 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded File:FiguraJSON.png(Authors: me (User:PenguinEncounter). Originally by Material Icons, modified. Licensed [ Apache License 2.0].)
03:24 PenguinEncounter talk contribs uploaded File:BBModel.png
     21:03  User:PenguinEncounter/sandbox‎‎ 3 changes history +594 [PenguinEncounter‎ (3×)]
21:03 (cur | prev) +190 PenguinEncounter talk contribs Tag: 2017 source edit
03:31 (cur | prev) +47 PenguinEncounter talk contribs Tag: 2017 source edit
03:28 (cur | prev) +357 PenguinEncounter talk contribs Tag: 2017 source edit
     03:52  ModelPart‎‎ 3 changes history +506 [PenguinEncounter‎; KitCat962‎ (2×)]
03:52 (cur | prev) +3 KitCat962 talk contribs (syntax spacing) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
03:49 (cur | prev) +35 KitCat962 talk contribs (Grammer) Tag: Visual edit
03:42 (cur | prev) +468 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (→‎Accessing ModelParts: okay here's the diagram) Tag: 2017 source edit
N    03:39  Template:Tree/style.css‎‎ 11 changes history +905 [PenguinEncounter‎ (11×)]
03:39 (cur | prev) 0 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (don't try to make it line up, it's not worth it)
03:34 (cur | prev) +190 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (yepp)
03:29 (cur | prev) 0 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:29 (cur | prev) +14 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:16 (cur | prev) 0 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (more breathing room on left edge of connectors)
03:16 (cur | prev) +22 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:15 (cur | prev) +2 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:14 (cur | prev) +192 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:12 (cur | prev) +80 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:11 (cur | prev) +181 PenguinEncounter talk contribs
03:09 (cur | prev) +224 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (Created page with ".hierarchy-tree { display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; height: max-content; } .hierarchy-tree .__item { position: relative; →‎absolute positioning target: } .hierarchy-tree > .-tree-indent { padding-left: 24px; }")
     03:31  Template:Tree/item‎‎ 4 changes history +27 [PenguinEncounter‎ (4×)]
03:31 (cur | prev) +31 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (contain content) Tag: 2017 source edit
03:08 (cur | prev) −7 PenguinEncounter talk contribs Tag: 2017 source edit
03:03 (cur | prev) +7 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (add additional class) Tag: 2017 source edit
03:02 (cur | prev) −4 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (IM DUMB) Tag: 2017 source edit
     03:17  Template:Tree‎‎ 3 changes history +213 [PenguinEncounter‎ (3×)]
03:17 (cur | prev) +221 PenguinEncounter talk contribs Tag: 2017 source edit
03:07 (cur | prev) −1 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (the css editor really doesn't like class names that start with `--`) Tag: 2017 source edit
03:06 (cur | prev) −7 PenguinEncounter talk contribs (guj) Tag: 2017 source edit